Good ‘Ol Pence

Pence, the perfect place to live. The west end of Montreal Trails loops up into town, and Uller will soon have it’s east end at the ball field in Pence.

Tonight, for the 3rd year straight, the Pence Town Board voted to support our trails and skiing in general with a generous donation. They are believers in helping town residents and their guests get out and enjoy the winter weather we get. They are believers in the idea that during this year of isolation and quarantine, everyone needs a place to breath some fresh air, move around some and not have to pay a required fee for it.

The Rangers thank them again for their support. They don’t need to do this. They don’t have to do this; but then, they do it.

P.S.: Did you know that Pence has the highest railroad siding in the state?

Thanks Pence. Ski Freely. Z


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