Questions? Comments?
Drop us a line!
We’d love to hear from you - let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding our trails.
If you’d like to volunteer, we’ve always got plenty to do. Feel free to to reach out and we’ll find a project for you to join us on. Thanks in advance!
Penokee Rangers Trail Corps.
PO Box 431
Montreal, WI 54550
We are a DIY outfit, through-and-through. Every inch of these trails is here because of volunteer hours, and we’re always looking for an extra set of hands. If you’ve got a specialized skill that you think could improve our organization, let us know that too!
100% of donations go directly to our trail maintenance, events and outreach. Click the button below to donate directly, send a check to the address above, or drop some cash in one of the donation boxes at the trailheads on your next ski!

Semper Opus
“Take a pasty, double wrap it in tin foil, slip it into the starboard forced air cooling duct on an Alpine. Groom Uller in the standard figure-8 route. By the time the machine gets to the Scribner Meadow cabin, the pasty will be steaming hot and the operator will be famished, smelling pasty all the way down the Macht grade.”
— CZ, Chief of Trails