6 Hours In Paradise
There are no more excuses. It’s time.
All my heuristics indicate that a machined track can be groomed on Uller; so I started today. I took the Gator and the 4’ drag with the heavy track sled. I started at Iron Belt and tracked to Scribner’s Meadow on the Krankkala Spur.
I turned East on the Main Stem and tracked down to Hoyt Rd. The east half of Uller and the K Spur are nasty-nice; but be warned. Those eastern tracks are ‘semi old-school’: I didn’t do any track lifting. I spent most of my time and energy cleaning snow-droop off the Gator windshield. There are no stem lanes out there. There’s a track in the middle of pitches you might need to herring-bone on...
We have plans to go out with the Iron County Forestry & Parks equipment tomorrow and do the west half, including the loops.
I’ll make sure I’ve got an old back country pole to knock snow off of branches. I’ll have an extra tank of chain saw gas/oil with us.
‘Cause, with Uller, one never knows.