Subterranean Sump Pump Blues
This genre of trail report arrives once each year. We’ve been talking about the possibility of conditions like we currently have for a good week now. Here they are.
Our base was good, real good; and it just may survive the rain (and thunder!) we had today; but then, it may not.
If that’s the case, we’ve had an excellent season. We never really got a December, January or February thaw. We had enough (never too much) good quality snow from the ‘Christmas Lights’ snow until yesterday. The deep freeze in mid February, slowed us down some; but the trails were wonderful after that.
The Hygge Hike again gave us memorable finale to the season.
If that’s what we get this season, it was an excellent ride, worth all the effort.
For the time being, we’ll be down in the sign shop, listening to the cursed sump-pump. It’s time to catch up on some home projects.
To prevent any post-season depression, we’re starting to plan the summer/fall projects. For the first time in our history, we’ve got plenty of financial support to move forward with two bridges, two portals, a (big) pile of dirt to move and many, many signs to carve and/or paint. We take this chance to thank everyone who contributed revenue this year; especially Gogebic Range Health Foundation, Iron County Forestry Department, and a couple of anonymous private citizens. Keep checking in, we’ll get a (21st century) graphic up that will show what we’re going to do and when. We think it will help people who want to help make plans to join us.
Until then (or until it cools down again... keep in mind, we foresee an ‘April Fools’ storm yet this year) we can’t wait to see you this late summer or fall. Hopefully none of us will have to wear a mask out on the trail. There are some of you folks we won’t recognize without your mask on!
Thanks for skiing freely with us this year! Z