People ask us why we spend all this time out on the trails. Today was the perfect answer. Temps in the 20ºs.
Sun. Very little wind. Tracks on trails that have a wonderful February base. Sisters skiing Uller. A new trail section open.
Nasi’s had their annual bonfire out at the house on the trail. (Thanks for the invite!) We hope your dogs went completely bonkers out there with all the deer tracks, the fox and coyote markings and the hard lanes. The wildlife is starting to get busy. We flushed two turkeys out of a spruce tree this morning.
We don’t get a lot of days like this one.
We hope you got out. We hope you got some serious February sun on your cheekbones. We hope you got a ton of vitamin D to combat what ails us. We hope you breathed some of this air today.
Ski Freely. Z